In an editorial (criticising an open letter by eminent academics commenting on dirty tricks ahead of next year's presidential elections in Taiwan) they write:
that primary was described [in the letter] as “the primaries for next year's presidential elections,” which they should have written as presidential election, in the singular tense.
I'm a linguist and used to confusions between tense and aspect, but this is new to me.
What's even better (delicious schadenfreude...) they made the mistake in a failed attempt to score petty grammar points over political opponents*. As far as I can see, 'presidential elections' is absolutely fine: certainly there are plenty of examples of its use online by native speakers, e.g. here.
For the (shabby) political background to the editorial, see here and here and here (reverse chronological order).
There's incompetence, and then there's the kind of incompetence required to:
a) think ad hominem comments on grammar bolster a political argument
b) pick on a perfectly correct use of English and call it a mistake
c) not think twice about b) given the letter is signed by a who's who of Taiwanologists -- professors, emeritus professors etc -- at least one of whom surely would have noticed an error, you might think
d) invent the singular tense
and, I suppose,
e) rush it all into print
* Actually not opponents, but concerned academic friends of Taiwan, at least some of whom are supporters, like the China Post, of the current 'Nationalist' government in Taiwan. But the China Post takes a narrow --one might say Leninist -- view: criticise anything done by the Nationalist party and you're an enemy.
Nick well thing. when you say THEY, re the China Pest editorial, there is no THEY there, that editorial unsigned was written by the one and only Joe Hung, 79, now chairman of the CNA news agency in Taipei and a former ROC diplomat to Italy. He evn has PHD in something. His marks are all over that editorial.
cheers, mate
Trevor, UK
former island resident 1991-1997
and Nick, see today MONDAYT's oped top page of CHINA PEST by Dr William Fang, 8o, gay bashing Tsai. read it and weeeeeeeeeeep. he is even worse than Joe Hung. at least FANG signs his name. someone needs to defang him.
Nick well thing. when you say THEY, re the China Pest editorial, there is no THEY there, that editorial unsigned was written by the one and only Joe Hung, 79, now chairman of the CNA news agency in Taipei and a former ROC diplomat to Italy. He evn has PHD in something. His marks are all over that editorial.
cheers, mate
Trevor, UK
former island resident 1991-1997
Hi Trevor and thanks for the comments.
I admit I didn't recognise the fingerprints. I do my best not to look at the China Post.
If you are right that the editorial was written by Joe Hung, then we can be sure that 1) his PhD isn't in linguistics and 2) his 'New History of Taiwan' must be an erm... interesting... read.
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